
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Development and Executive Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
This is episode #11, and the first episode in the Nights at the Roundtable Series! During the Roundtable series I will be having candid (and transparent) conversations with a group of my Grown & Sexy Sistah friends about topics that are important to women today. In this episode, we will be discussing the deeper issues surrounding the R.Kelly scandal and how we can prevent things from happening to the women and girls in our families.
So sit back, relax and this episode of Nights at the Roundtable! Be sure to send questions and comments to Niseygail@grownandsexysistah.com, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com
Please support Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk by becoming a Patron! See home page for details.

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Development and Executive Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
This is episode #10, and the second episode in the Nights at the Roundtable Series! During the Roundtable series I will be having candid (and transparent) conversations with a group of my Grown & Sexy Sistah friends about topics that are important to women today. In this episode we will be discussing what self-care is and things you can do today to start improving the quality of your physical and mental health.
So sit back, relax and take notes because taking care of yourself should be your #1 priority! Be sure to send questions and comments to Niseygail@grownandsexysistah.com, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com
Please support Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk by becoming a Patron! See home page for details.

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Development and Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
This is episode #9, and the 5th in the Geturmindright Series. Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Rachel from Yoga With Rachel. Rachel is going to talk to us about the benefits of implementing meditation, mindfulness and Yoga into our daily routines.
So sit back, relax and take notes because living a happy, fulfilling life all starts with learning how to get centered, be still and manage our anxiety and stress levels! Be sure to send questions and comments to Niseygail@grownandsexysistah.com, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com
Please support Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk by becoming a Patron! See home page for details.

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation and Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
This is episode #8, and the 1st in the Geturliferight! Series. Today I am speaking to Dr. Candice Rowser about the importance of getting out to Vote on November 6. Dr. Candice will break down several reasons why we must get out and let our voices be heard during the upcoming elections.
So sit back, relax and take notes because living a happy, fulfilling life all starts with getting out to vote on November 6! Be sure to send questions and comments to Niseygail@grownandsexysistah.com, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com
Please support Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk by becoming a Patron! See home page for details.

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation and Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
Today's episode is the 4th episode in the "Get Ur Mind Right" Series. I will be speaking with Dr. Tonya Featherston who is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer at The Center For Social Emotional Wellness in Maryland. Dr. Tonya and I will be discussing strategies for keeping past baggage and traumatic situations from affecting your life today.
So sit back, relax and take notes because living a happy, fulfilling life all starts with you! Be sure to send questions and comments to Niseygail@grownandsexysistah.com, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com
Please support Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk by becoming a Patron! See home page for details.

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk, Episode #6-Yoga is 4 Black Girls! with Dara Drummond
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation and Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
Today's episode is the 3rd episode in both the "Get Ur Mind Right" and "Get Ur Health Right" Series. I am speaking with Dara Drummond who is the founder and creator of "Yoga is 4 Black Girls" in Washington, D.C. Dara is a 200 hour level Yoga teacher in D.C., and has dedicated her practice to teaching Black women and children Yoga and Mindfulness. Research has shown that practicing Yoga regularly has a multitude of health and wellness benefits, so it's a wonderful thing that we have Dara to help debunk the myth that Yoga is only beneficial for certain cultures!
So sit back, relax and take notes because living a healthier and more stress-free life starts today!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation and Life Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
Today's episode is the 2nd episode in the "Get Ur Mind Right" Series. I will be speaking with Dr. Tonya Featherston who is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer at The Center For Social Emotional Wellness in Maryland. Dr. Tonya and I will be discussing preventive mental health care strategies, and ways that we can start to live a more positive, fulfilling and low-stress life today!
So sit back, relax and take notes because happiness and low-stress living all starts with you!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
This is episode #4, and the 1st in the "Get Ur Mind Right Sistah" series. Today I have the pleasure of speaking to Mrs. Karen Mercer, who is the co-owner of A Renewed Mind Behavioral Health Center in Baltimore, MD. Mrs. Mercer has over 20 years experience in counseling and social services, and she is going to bless us with all sorts of useful information about anxiety and depression. This info is right on time, because as we speak there are over 16 milion Americans suffering from Depression, and at least 33% of women will be diagnosed with anxiety in their lifetime.
So sit back, relax, take notes and enjoy the 1st episode designed to help you take care of your mental health in the "Get Ur Mind Right Series". You can also visit my website www.grownandsexysistah.com to get more valuable info and resources.
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon..............

Friday Aug 17, 2018
Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk, Introduction-Welcome Sistahs!
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
I am so pleased to bring you my podcast Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! I created this show to bring women all of the information they need to live more fulfilling lives. Throughout my many experiences in life I have learned that there are so many women going through similar challenges, but never receive the support and encouragement they need to make it through.
That's why I feel it is so important to talk about the issues with no filter, face them head on and tackle them together! I am here to love, support and encourage my Sistahs to make it through, and to arm them with all of the information they need to succeed. So sit back, relax and let's take this Grown & Sexy ride together!
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistahs! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk, Episode #3-Homebuying Tips for Single Sistahs!
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Welcome to Grown & Sexy Sistahs Talk! This is real conversation for real women about real life! I am your host NiseyGail, and I am a Personal Transformation Coach, Women's Empowerment Specialist and your #1 Fierce Sistah!
Today's episode is the 1st in the "Get Ur Money Right" Series. I will be speaking with Sharvon Woodard of Execuhome Realty and Diana Lindsay of Land Home Financial Services. These ladies have a combined 42 years experience in the homebuying field and have many jewels of info to share with us about qualifying for and buying our own home!
In our conversation the ladies and I will talk about all of the things you need to know to get your dream home....no matter what your current financial situation looks like. So, no excuses ladies! You can get the home you desire if you start putting in the work today!
So sit back, relax and take notes because your path to homeownership starts here......
Much Love, Be Blessed and Stay Grown & Sexy Sistah! We'll speak soon......
For more information and valuable resources visit my website at www.grownandsexysistah.com